Hello! Just a quick couple pictures from Milwaukee. We took a walk along the beach yesterday. Lake Michigan beach that is. And apart from the smell of the decaying algae washed up on the shore — which was formidable and really off-putting in places (and this on a windy day with the wind blowing the smell away) — it was a great walk. Poor Lake Michigan–like the other Great Lakes it’s warming up and the whole ecosystem is out of whack–the algae washups are one symptom.
Stella walking toward the Canada geese.
On the beach were the requisite seagulls, the brown ones the ones with the yellow beaks the ones with the orange beaks. But there was also a flock of Canada geese, something I don’t remember seeing before on the Lake Michigan shore. They were swimming and sunning and sleeping just like beach-goers everywhere. We tried to sneak up and get some pix.

Tomorrow we’re going to the State Fair–yeeha! fun will be had, and animals will be spotted. Corn will be eaten as well as cream puffs. Yes! I have some more Lake Michigan pictures (and some airport shots as well–more on airport art in another post) at flickr.