Kids were playing in la casita last night at around 9 p.m. when I stopped by. A boy was riding a bike in and out of the house and two others were chasing each other around. Behind the house, a basketball game was underway. Burns Security Guard, Tony Okokuro, hired to watch over the space at night said the kids generally were peaceful and that when they weren’t he shooed them off and sent them home.
Standing flood lights illuminate the courtyard and wash over the little house. The artificial brightness subdues the piece and steals its thunder a little. It seems more of a presence in the daylight.
Casita’s interior lighting system (spot lights in the ground shining up) is subtle. The house is shadowy and dark from the outside. Inside, it has a candle-lit appeal — warm light, a little fuzzy around the edges.

More dramatic are the photographs in the windows of Congreso’s office building, like the one here in the 4th floor, visible from as far away as Lehigh Avenue.