My inbox yesterday contained this bit of bad news. Bat Purveegiin, my Mongolian artist friend whose American story includes more than three years in INS jails for visa violations, is back in jail. Deb Miller, curator at Da Vinci Art Alliance (and former curator for the recently-closed Gallery 911 which represented Purveegin) says Bat’s
“been held in York for about 3 months now, in the immigration detention center. His attorney, Joe Hohenstein, has been able to stay his deportation in the circuit court, but still hasn’t been able to arrange for his release. I’m sure Bat’s going completely stir crazy in there, so if you have a chance, please try to drop him a line.” (For more on Purveegiin, see my post of 7/04/03 or my Weekly sketch of July 9)
Anyone feeling in the snail mail spirit, here’s Bat’s address. I’m sure he’d love to hear words of encouragement and support.
Batsaihan Purveegiin, BICE, YCP#45925, IC1-26, 3400 Concord Road, York, PA 17402-9007.
By the way, Miller also says several pieces of Bat’s work are on exhibit at the main branch of the Free Library (2nd floor, outside the Arts Department). (image is Bat and Dennis, owner of Gallery 911)