If you live with a teenage girl you probably know the name Paul Frank. He’s the designer of cute, cartoony animals that appear on the must-have juniors’ clothing for the last couple seasons. Of course Frank has a boutique in Soho and wouldn’t you know we found it. (image top is the flag with Julius the monkey outside the PF store on Mulberry St.)
Stella pronounced the boutique a disappointment as a shopping destination (too small).

But while I waited outside I found something that made the trip a success for me — a grafitti monkey spray-painted on a wall across the street from the store.
Call it Julius’s evil twin. I loved it. Whether it sprung from an anti-globalist mindset or one of pure unadulterated jealousy I loved the sass of it. (image above)
Next to Julius’s evil twin was another grafitti art drawing (maybe by the same artist?) coupled with stencilled word art. (image below)
I had seen the little octopus on other walls but never accompanied by words.
Here, the slogan “PRAY FOR PILLS” was a lovely twist on “POST NO BILLS.” I’m guessing the word art is by another artist.
You don’t often find grafitti with a sense of humor. Guerilla Girl posters come to mind of course but I can’t think of what else. I was happy to get my yuks where I found them.