Tableaus in shoe boxes come straight out of elementary school. But Roselle Park Sagall’s 36 wooden boxes, most of them about half the depth of a shoe box, on display at Widener University in Chester, come from feelings and memories, not history assignments. They come from childhood with it’s weird feelings of displacement, secrets, discomfort and fear (shown, Child Enthroned).
Sagall uses vintage images of herself–old photos her father had taken of her–and vintage images she herself had taken of the world around her to build her boxes of memories and fantasy.

Some of the boxes are faced with glass, which in some cases is etched with words that cast shadows, in some cases scratched, forming a scrim to peer beyond. Some are open.
Although the work is carefully done, including beautiful painting and thought-through perspective, there’s an outsider naivete that connects these pieces to the past and to the weirdness that haunts every family.