Smyrski told me the magazine is moving its offices to Space 1026 at the end of the summer, and in fact, they already have a Space connection, featuring works by Ben Woodward and Dan Murphy in previous issues.

May was WORK’s third issue. Next issue debuts June 1 with a theme of travel and connections called “Where are you going, where have you been?” Artists featured in the June issue are Dan Murphy, Melissa Farley, Justin Pekera and artists from Sweden, Portugal and Germany.

WORK joins the hippity hopping online mag community in Philadelphia which also includes Candy Depew’s Candy Coated devoted to beauty. Depew’s site, which debuted on Valentine’s day, in under construction so, for example, there are plans for an online shop but it’s not up yet. Meanwhile, the gallery click through is a group art show with local artists, also by theme. (image is painting by Nancy Lewis in the group show “Red” at Candy Coated”)
Hinge Online, now celebrating their fourth anniversary (congrats, guys!) is a literary, art and comics zine with ties to Well Fed Artists Gallery on Third St.
Drexel’s online journal is of a more studious, academic nature. right now I see they have an interview with Bell Hooks and with artblog contributor and pal, poet and photographer, Ditta Baron Hoeber.

B INFORMED is a hip hop themed, two-issues old magazine with ties to Rennie Harris’s Pure Movement dance troupe. At least it used to have those ties. An hour ago, their site had a big Rennie Harris presence and now, such is publishing on the web, I can’t find it. Anyway, go to Harris’s site for info on their Illadelph Legends festival.
B INFORMED’s site, by the way, is decked out in weeny, grey hard to read type which tells me it’s for the 20-somethings of the world. (image is Rennie Harris dancing)

Finally, for a fashion and young face magazine, Philth is the ticket. It’s young and photo-based, what else can I say. (image is Philth cover from issue one)
That’s all I know. Maybe somebody knows of other online zines in the Philly ether they’d like to pony up and tell us about.