
Yellow terror alert opportunity

yellowterror We have a long-time link to Jim Capozzola’s Rittenhouse Review on our site. Capozzola’s a local writer, and we recommend RR for its passion, its humor, its broad coverage of subjects and for the snarky terror alert feature — an image of just about anything under the sun that’s in the day’s security alert color scheme. (image is Friday’s terror alert feature — a painting of sunflowers by an artist friend, Gary Fisher.)


The Homeland’s been in yellow mode for a long time now and Capozzola wrote us he’s in need of an infusion of new yellow images so he doesn’t have to repeat himself.

He’s looking for your help.

So, if you have yellow art and would like to be a terror alert feature on Rittenhouse Review — with links to your home page if you have one — contact Capozzola for information on submitting your jpegs.

Artists of orange might also submit, for, as Capozzola says, he wouldn’t be surprised to see the alert status ratcheted up to orange a few weeks before the election.
