
Whodunit? Norway and Philadelphia

munchscreamSomebody (or bodies) stole Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” from its home in the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway. The act was done right in broad daylight and in front of a bunch of gallery goers.

Stealing art = bad. Read BBC.

But somebody gave a loan of a tiny Vermeer, “A Young Woman seated at the Virginals,” one of the few Vermeers in private hands, to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and it’ll be on view here until March for all of us to see.

Loaning Vermeer = good. Read Inky. (username: lrrfartblog; password: artblog)

Most interesting questions: Who loaned the Vermeer and is this a tryout for the little object’s final resting place?
