
Site specificity–three views

Post from Sarah McEneaney

zweigyourvoicesIf you’ve got an interest in the challenge of creating site specific art work, three artists in three different disciplines will talk about their very different work at Moore College, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 7 p.m.

Local dancer and choreographer Leah Stein (whose recent cemetery-sited piece “Cornerstone” was a hit at the Philadelphia Fringe Festival) will show video of her provocative site-specific performances, including a recent piece made for a train station in Poland.

Poet and playwright Fiona Templeton will present documentation of her most recent city-wide play, “L’Île,” which took place in Lille, France in the summer of 2004.

And sculptor Janet Zweig will show slides and describe some of her recent public art projects, including “Impersonator”, a sentence generating flip-sign in New Mexico, and “Small Kindness, Weather Permitting,” a series of interactive installations created for the new Hiawatha Light Rail Line in Minneapolis, Minn. (image top, “Your Voices” by Zweig at a high school in the Bronx).

Presentations will be followed by a discussion and question/answer session about the mechanics and challenges of site-specific work.

The event is free and open to the public.

–Artblog contributor Sarah McEneaney has a show coming up Nov. 4 to Dec. 11 in New York at Gallery Schlesinger
