
Inbox attack


I’m playing catch up again. Here are a few things from the inbox that have me excited.

Morris Gallery update

PAFA Curator Alex Baker says he’s signed up Eamon Ore-Giron for a Morris Gallery exhibit in March, 2005. Ore-Giron was featured in the Arizona exhibit, “Broken Western,” at 222 Gallery last year. See my post. I loved the work I saw — paintings of cars and tanks and trucks that looked like they were made from wood — it turned them all into coffins of a sort. Virtuoso painting. (top image is an Ore-Giron)


And in 2006 (it’s almost 2005, so can 2006 be far behind?) Baker has slotted one of our favorite local video artists, Nadia Hironaka. I love Hironaka’s work in general and love her new three channel piece at Vox Populi — for its sheer beauty and its ambitious, 3-channel narrative. Read Libby’s post and my PW review for different takes on the work. (right is detail from “Prism”)

He loves us in Belgium


The email subject line said “check it out!” and I almost threw it in the spam folder but since I work on a mac and don’t have virus problems I opened the link. To my delight, I found a photo blog, happy famous artists by Antwerp, Belgium, artist Fred Michiels. Great images and links to shows, artist’s sites and other interesting stuff. And he’s included artblog in his array. We’re most happy — if not famous, yet.

From Michiel’s list, I spent some happy time with

eboy (image is from the pop-ish, digi-art site)


Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Just kidding on LW, but he sure enough is in the links. Fallon and Rosof’s artblog is at the very bottom if you’re looking.

Peter Rose seeks Ithaca in Conshohocken


The PMA is debuting a new video by excellent local film and video guy

Peter Rose. The piece, filmed in a parking garage in Conshohocken and titled “Odysseus in Ithaca,” is up now to Jan 2. Read PMA info here. (image is video still from “Ithaca”)

It’s good and about 10-minutes long. I’ll tell you more in another post.

Also coming soon to the PMA, Bill Viola‘s “The Greeting,” the slo-mo technicolor video projection based on a Piero della Francesca painting (if memory serves). I saw it at the FWM in 1995 and at Viola’s retrospective at the Whitney and it’s a stunner of ambiguity and fluidity. (image)


The work is on loan from the Whitney. I don’t know where the PMA will be putting it but I suspect in the contemporary galleries, which have a room closed for installation at the moment.

“The Greeting” will be at the PMA in conjunction with the Pontormo, Bronzino and the Medicis exhibit opening Nov. 4. (Read more on that here) It seems to me a good pairing of old and new — like the weaving together of old and new art in the African art exhibit. A museological trend? See Libby’s post for more on the Africa show.

Get Optimistic

Matthew Sepielli of the online gallery the Vacuum has co-organized (with Jeff McMahon) a painting salon for the month of November at a little gallery in a house at 708 South Washington Square, The Optimistic. The show, “Possibilities in Painting” includes a bunch of Tyler-schooled painters and teachers and opens First Friday. Catch it at the opening or call McMahon to make an appointment. 215-888-4350. The Optimistic had a very nice exhibit of work by retired Tyler prof and color guru, Richard Cramer and his students last year. Here’s my PW sketch. Maybe Cramer will have work in the show? I hope so.

For more on the Vacuum read my post.

That’s it for now. There’s so much more going on here it’s overwhelming!
