Cai, based in New York, is known for making art with fireworks explosions. This work which shows mountains and a waterfall, is a different kind of explosive event. This beautiful photo must have been taken at one of the practice runs because the article says that on the day scheduled for the real event, the sky was overcast. The Times ran a picture of the work performed in the grey sky and the piece was quite different, and, needless to say, not so pleasing.
photo: Hiro Ihara, copyright, NY Times
SWARM, the kaleidoscopic visions of artist and filmmaker Terence Nance at the Institute for Contemporary Art
Shop local, shop artists this holiday season, a short list
Memento Mori, A trip through skulls, Sotheby’s, shot glasses and soap
The quintessence of collaboration – Damon Kowarsky and Atif Khan in Hybrid at Twelve Gates Arts