
A correction for the record

[Note: Last summer I wrote about a show at Vox Populi featuring the Boston collective, Oni. Jennifer Schmidt, who was in the show, wrote us yesterday to correct a mis-attribution. Sorry Jennifer.–Roberta]

Post from Jennifer Schmidt


hi libby and roberta,

i just stumbled upon a review that you wrote of the oni gallery (boston, ma) exhibition “a different world” at vox populi last summer. [See post] thank you for taking the time and insight to write about the show. from what i read, it seems that the show was not labeled or organized very well to convey which artists made each piece and what the general premise of the oni gallery/curatorial role was.

my name was mentioned in the review, but was mis-linked with some collage pieces that were not my own. while i appreciate the mentioning of my name, i thought it would be good to contact you and let you know of the misprint.

i was unable to attend the exhibition and have yet to see images of the installation, or even to retrive my work…so i appreciated your notes.

all the best, jennifer schmidt

(image is sound sculpture by David Webber and Timothy Bailey)from that exhibit.
