
Heartbeats on Broad Street

Post from Sid Sachs

[Sid is responding to a post about come upcoming work at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia.–the editors]


Well the fact that the ICA will have Richard Pettibone sets my heart a ticking and skipping a beat. Is this the show from the Tang? The guy is a quiet genius who has never gotten his due–a member of Ferus gallery in the early 1960s who with Sturtevant (and the unacknowledged Dorothy Grebenak) worked in or around a praxis that in the early 1980s would be called appropriation (left, Pettibone’s “Dada,” after Warhol).

pettibonestellagrandcairoThese paintings are the same size as reproductions of art and are in the same mediums that the originals were made (i.e. if he painted a Warhol Marilyn it was silkscreened on canvas c. 1.5 x 3 inches – and the canvases have stretchers and little tacks!!) A true original and eccentric–Charles LeDray’s grandfather. Who else works with Pound, Shaker furniture, Brancusi and Ingres? If the show is really good there might be racing cars (right, “Stella Grand Cairo” by Pettibone).

Only in California.

–Sid Sachs is director of the Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery at the University of the Arts. He is one of our contributors.
