Looking for a way to respond to today’s news? Here’s a good creative option:
Philadelphia Independent, the quirky arts and commentary zine that looks like a 19th Century newspaper and reads like a Woody Allen dream, is soliciting art and writing for its free, natonal “post-election solidarity issue” to be published in paper and online, Nov. 12, 2004.
The open call for submissions stipulates only that they want your responses to the election — anything from impassioned essays; speculation on life in the next four years; election day anecdotes; eulogies… to “sequencess of stunned expletives.”
There are two deadlines for submissions and both are asap:
The preferred deadline is Friday, Nov. 5, 11:59 p.m.
and the final deadline is Sat., Nov. 6, noon.
Your thoughts needn’t be polished so long as they are immediate, honest and address the situation at hand. Our purpose is to get a collective sense of how the city and the country are feeling and reacting, and transmit that to as many as possible as soon as possible. The big questions that we want answers to are: What went wrong? What happens now? What should we take away from this? But you needn’t limit yourself to those.
SUBMIT WRITING: From 20 to 1,000 words. Send them to editors@philadelphiaindependent.net.
SUBMIT ARTWORK: Send as a TIFF or JPEG file to editors@philadelphiaindependent.net.
Or stop by with a ZIP disk or CD at 1026 Arch Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Black and white only, please, 300 dpi or greater.
(image is a detail of a knit piece, “Influence of Ad Reinhardt,” by Linda J. Metrick)