
First Friday calm

Post by Ainsley Adams


Abigail McBride opened at F.A.N. Gallery on First Friday with colorful, somewhat impressionistic genre scenes–primarily landscapes and still-lives (image, “The View Between”, 10″ x 8″).

These cheerful works are the kind many art consumers buy to hang in a dining room or to brighten up a hallway or bathroom.

The robin’s egg blues and pastel pinks, blended with exaggeratedly intense earth tones of McBride’s palette are appealing for their brilliant freshness. The simplicity of the subject matter enhances the calming, agreeable effect of the exhibit.

Additionally, the Celtic music being played by Ceol Mõr at the opening reception augmented visitors’ warm responses to these sweetly comforting paintings.

–Ainsley Adams is a student in Colette Copeland’s art writing class at the University of Pennsylvania
