
Home movie

witmerfruitvilleIt’s a perfect day to noodle around the Internet and see what art stuff is up there (image from Douglas Witmer’s “Fruitville” series).

With that thought in mind, I pass on this note, which I got today, from Vincent Romaniello, he of the online videos of Philadelphia-area artists in action (see post):

The new video for artist, Douglas Witmer has been posted. Douglas is truly a multi-talented artist working in sculpture, painting, works on paper, photo prints and also composed and played all the music on the video. In Part 1, he talks about his 3D wood sculpture in his West Philadelphia work space. He calls the series “Fruitville” which is a reference to a road in Lancaster, Pa., that seems to lead to no such town.

Link is at the bottom of the right column on this page.


Witmer is an Artblog contributor as well as fellow blogger (his blog here), and Romaniello has added still another video or two to his website since my last post on him.
