
Wednesday eyefuls

I was going to write a post about photography. That was a few days ago and life intervened and here it is my PW deadline day and well, in the interest of time (and sharing, which has always been Artblog‘s strong suit), I’m going to give you the photographs without the essay. Actually I’m going to give you two groups of photos from two group exhibits. One group is from a photography exhibit at Leonard Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel University, a stealth show that snuck itself up quietly and comes down in two days. The other group is from a Coalition Ingenue exhibit of art by self-taught artists at Allen’s Lane Art Center. That is up for a few more weeks. I hope you’ll get to see both of them because the photo show’s very good and the self-taught show’s delightful.

“Structure: Architecture and the Photographic View” a five-person exhibit at Drexel’s Leonard Pearlstein Gallery


Thomas Kellner “London Westminster Cathedral” — dancing buildings served up via collages of contact sheets = Gursky with some humor


David Slovic, “Purple Shadow” — collaged color photographs turn light and shadow into odd biomorphic patterns

Richard Torchia, lens from site-specific camera obscura — made me realize that camera obscuras (cameras obscura?) can be used for spying as well as for art!


Wyatt Gallery, from the Trinidad series — beautiful still life studies by artist with a great name


Steven Benson, from the Three Gorges series — monster machinery eats up China in shots that occasionally, as here, evoke the Bechers

The Great Earth Planet Sun Expo: Urban Outsider Art from the Coalition Ingenu Self-taught Artists’ Collective


Francena Hill “Imani” doll, amazing stitchery and empowering subject matter


Francena Hill, “Five for Free” embroiderery and collaged lace on canvas — beautiful


Mary Crawford, “Georgia” — lucious paint, humble imagery


Charles Hayes, “Life’s Heart” — heartfelt words and symbols about life and love


Tom Bowdrin, “Fire Angel” — marker on paper, not a line or mark out of place — perfect
