Here’s my very, very short response. Little did I know that Dali was brilliant, a genius, an iconoclast, a man before his time.
You know how when you see a museum show, it has a thesis that the curators are pushing. Usually, it is over-argued, supported just barely by the art. But not so with Dali. The art doesn’t need a thesis. It’s complex, smart, gorgeous, inventive, original, sexy, obstreperous, challenging–and Dali was a rock star celebrity artist before his time.
I don’t have time to write about it now. I’m madly packing up my kitchen for the contractors who are coming next week, and Roberta and I are driving up to New York tomorrow for the Christo and Jeanne-Claude “Gates” and the Whitney. But I just had to let you know that this is an amazing show and if you’re not in Philadelphia, you ought to come here just for this. It merits the hype.