
Art imitating art education

[Ed. note: Today is the fourth and last day Libby and I give out “Dorothy Speaks” cards at 17th and Market (11 am- 2 pm). In honor of that event, I’m sharing this story sent in by Jackie Altman about a similar give-away project done by young artists.]

Post by Jackie Altman
Your current activity of giving away small reproductions of your own work reminded me of a public school art educator who conceived the idea of having her elementary school students create little postcard sized works of art, with personal notes attached, and then had the students hand them out to passerbys in a neigborhood shopping center. The project was to bring attention to the art program in the local public schools and to celebrate Youth Art Month, a nationwide celebration of the National Art Education Association, held during the month of March.

It was a wonderful way for all involved to share their joy in creating art. It was deemed a PR success at the time since the art itself and the children and their enthusiasm seemed to charm folks and began many a dialogue on the nature of “Art”, its place in society, in the schools, monetary value (if you are giving it away free, is it worth less than the work you see on the gallery wall for sale at thousands of dollars?) (image is Altman’s watercolor, “Snow Squall.”)

–Jackie Altman is an artist and retired art educator. She is a member of the Moore Girls, Moore College alums who support the arts.
