
Another giveaway artist unearthed!

borspatronChris Bors emailed to say he was in an exhibit opening this weekend in Beacon. The show’s called “Now Playing” and Bors, whose video “Slayer” was one of my favorites in the goth-love extravaganza “Scarab” at Project Room last year, will be showing a new video “24 Second Psycho.” (Read post about “Scarab” here.)

I was poking around Bors’ website where you can view his video works and happened upon “The Patron,” a work from 2000 in which the artist, dressed like a corporate exec (or a Mormon missionary — black suit, white shirt, tie) hands out dollar bills to people entering a gallery building one opening night in New York. Apparently the artist handed out $150 in singles and the money came from a grant from Artists Space. The video’s three minutes long and has a sad and lonely affect — quite unlike the joyful ride Libby and I usually have when we’re giving things away. But then we don’t go out at night. And we don’t hand out dollar bills. And we’re kind of about fun and not sadness.

Actually what we give away costs us a lot more than $150 and if we were thinking that thought when were were doling out the stuff we’d probably get sad too. But our zeal somehow saves us from triste. Maybe it’s a generational thing or a gender thing.

Anyway, back to Beacon, “Now Playing” is a curated group show presented by The Ritz Gallery @ The Ritz Theater and opens Saturday. Other artists in the exhibit (some of whom appear in our artist’s list at the left) are: Bobby Neel Adams, Brandon Ballengée, Matt Bufford, Kelly Coats, Mike Childs, Alejandro Dron, David Grainger, Don Herron, Karolyn Hatton, Thomas Huber, Chris Kasper, Kirsten Kucer, Jesse Lambert, Ketta Ioannidou, Ferran Martin-Rosenblum, Liza McConnell, George Mansfield, Karen Ostrom, Sara Pasti, Jill Reynolds, Quintin Rivera-Toro, Dan Spitzer, Tom Snelgrove, Kazumi Tanaka, Mary Temple, Elisa Velasquez, James Walsh, Robert Walden, Eleanor White.
