
Budgeting beauty

Gallerist Bridgette Mayer told me last time I was in the gallery that she was organizing a panel discussion on finance for artists, something she believes in strongly. As in, artists should know their way around money so that they can have some – and have enough so that they can support themselves through their art. Mayer sent Artblog the press release for the session, called “Rock Solid Finance: Building Your Financial Present and Future as a Creative Professional,” scheduled for May 11, 5:30-9 pm at the ICA, 36th and Sansom Streets. Tickets are $15 if you get them before April 29 and $24 at the door. One of the panelists is artist Allen Bentley, whose last exhibit with Mayer’s gallery was a big financial success. Additional information, including panelist biographies, is available at the gallery’s website. And here’s my previous post about Bentley’s art and Mayer’s panel.
