
Martin, Macdonald and Wagner

martin13rayjohnsonI was catching up on some blog reading and halted at James Wagner’s blog. Wagner who seems to have his camera glued to his hip takes some really great pictures. Sometimes he photographs art but there always seems to be lovely random stuff too. (He also grabs good images from the web and his blog is a rich visual experience.) Anyway, Wagner is a fan of Chris Martin‘s paintings and had a post with a lot of great images and nice commentary about the artist’s recent show at Uta Scharf Gallery. (image is Martin’s “Thirteen (For Ray Johnson)” 2004 oil on corrugated plastic 26″ x 24″)

Libby and I just discovered Martin recently through Sid Sachs’ show “Field Questions,” at Rosenwald Wolf Gallery. Quite independently of each other we both decided his work was the hit of the show. Here’s my post and here’s Libby’s.

Wagner had taken his camera and visited the MFA student shows at Hunter College and one image was of a delicate, pastel-colored drawing by Jennifer Macdonald. Here’s Wagner’s post. (Macdonald image is left.) Wagner’s thumbnail description of the work is “luscious small drawings and two wonderfully-bizarre short videos.” That sounds like the work we know here in Philadelphia from shows at Vox Populi, Gallery Joe and elsewhere. I wrote Wagner and told him we knew Jennifer and that it must be her work he saw. He wrote back

Yes, MacDonald must surely be the same artist you know. We saw two one-minute (stop-action) animated videos in the studio. We met and spoke to her briefly. She also seems very nice – and, judging from the small crowd around her on that very slow day, pretty popular.

Here’s some Artblog posts on Macdonald. From her Vox show in 2004 and her Fleisher Challenge show in 2003.
