But the pieces that pack the strongest punch are the small pieces (10″ x 10″) like “Pleiades” (left) covered with words and woven. The content of the text seems less important than the way it fills the square and marks movement. They are road maps and directions to some place of the mind. And they are hands on, full of the artist’s marks made in the present and in the past.
Klein’s colors are beautiful and believable as particular moments, (right, “Color in Evening,” also 10″ x 10″).
And several of the works (some as large as 20″ x 20″) include what look like reduced and photocopied pages of a notebook or journal. Sometimes the drawings and writing fall apart with a little help from the artist, until he reasserts them with the help of fine, drawn outlines. These paintings are multilayered and worked over with an intensity that makes the 40″ and 60″ works seem a little bare; some of them are victims of cyber-printing, which reduces things to a thin spray of dots.