
Madison art alert

Email from Robert Cozzolino

This advice addressed to Roberta, who’s now in Milwaukee, could apply to anyone within spitting distance of Madison. I know if she could possibly get there, she’d be there in a minute–Libby:

I noticed that Roberta is in the Midwest — in the great state of Wisconsin. I encourage you to borrow a car, a friend with a car, a family member with a car, or take the Badger bus to Madison and the Chazen Museum of Art (formerly the Elvehjem — they recently received a $20 Million gift to support their expansion and voila, a name change) to see the other big ‘ol show I have on display there. That one is accompanied by a catalogue… (image off the cover of the catalog is by John Wilde, American, b. 1919, “Karl Priebe, Gertrude Abercrombie, Dudley Huppler, Marshall Glasier, Sylvia Fein, A Friend, Arnold Dadian, and Myself, 1966,” Oil on panel, 8 x 12 inches).

Unfortunately, it will not be traveling so you can only see it there. Here’s a link to the exhibition [With Friends: Six Magic Realists 1940-1965, which runs to Sept. 18] and then a link to said catalogue.

I know from my own travels to see family and friends in the Midwest that it is very hard to try and squeeze in everything and everyone you’d like to see — but I thought I’d just alert you to the show in case you have a chance to drop in on Madison. You can go get Babcock Hall ice cream at the Union and look out at the lake afterward!

–Robert Cozzolino curated the show “Light, Line and Color” at PAFA
