
Sterling reply

Post by Zoe Strauss
[Ed. note: Strauss is replying to yesterday’s post by SterlingKraft Gallery and Studios, which, in turn, responded to information in a previous post about Philadelphia LINC.]

Well, as you might guess I must respond to this SterlingKraft melee! First, I must clarify my statements at the LINC meeting… which were not that the soon to be built SterlingKraft Studios would be “too high” in price (I don’t even know the price of the SterlingKraft studios yet!), but I was actually responding to a specific amount our mediator had tossed out as hypothetical amount and had said that that price was “too high” for me. I’m sorry about my confusing statement! Of course, now that I am soon to be a fancy thousandaire, I’m renting out the old Spectrum as a studio. Just kidding, folks. [Ed. note: The Spectrum is a sports center, home to Philadelphia teams: lacrosse’s Wings, hockey’s Phantoms, and soccer’s Kixx.]

(photos by Strauss. Wording on top image says “30 and Wharton don’t like drug,” below is Jehovah’s Witnesses.)

Anyway let me recap,

1. I don’t know how much the rent at SterlingKraft will be and didn’t mean to imply that it would be “too high” and apologize for making an unclear statement.

2. And, yes, I am very excited about SterlingKraft. Who doesn’t want great things happening in South Philly?

3. However, as much as I love Passyunk Avenue Revitalization, and do love them, I must take exception to the fact that no one from SterlingKraft or Passyunk Ave. Revitalization contacted me to ask about my statement, which was just one sentence that I would have been very happy to clarify. As you know, I am pretty accessible. My cell phone number is 267-250-4158 and my email is If anyone ever has a question for me or wants to discuss something with me, you can always holla at your girl.

–Zoe Strauss, 2005 Pew Fellow, is a regular artblog contributor. See her website and flickr site for more art and her blog for art and commentary.
