
Martinez’s Saint Barbara revealed!

Post by Gabriel Martinez

[Ed. note: Gabe Martinez emailed us some images of his dark, mysterious piece in Operation RAW which both Libby and I loved but had trouble taking photos of. Get a load of these shots. Here is Libby’s post on RAW and here’s mine. For more on RAW here’s my preview interview with RAW organizer Jane Irish.]

Hi Roberta & Libby,

I know- my piece is super tricky to document. Since the project is more of an experience-oriented installation, it’s difficult to translate in still images. Here are a few pics that capture, hopefully, what it felt like… Cheers, Gabe

“Chango’s Tower (Operation RAW)”

[Ed. note: Figures encircle a campfire. Are they saints or soldiers? Are they praying or planning for the next day or maybe just trying to stay warm?]
[Ed. note: Only the shadow knows for sure. Does this seem like Russian expressionist film-still or is it just me.]

[Ed. note: It’s operatic as well — without the music.]
[Ed. note: A piece in which what you see is but part of what you get.]

[For more on Martinez, whose 2003 “Confidence and Grace” — a one-night performance at the Philadelphia Art Alliance — had references to novenas to St. Theresa, see Libby’s post and my Weekly review.]

–Gabe Martinez is a Pew fellow and 2003 Joan Mitchell Foundation award winner.
