
Squirrely kid, or how did Sally Mann do it

Email from Anne Minich

rawporterI’ve seen the [“Operation RAW”] show a few times and “sat” it on Friday (here’s the most recent RAW post; you can work your way back to all the others from there). My favorite piece is the little girl hanging by her feet; It is, for me a perfect juxtaposition of something horrific and something beautiful and tender. I had an opportunity to talk with the artist, Cynthia Porter. The little girl’s name is Violet and her mother is a good friend of Porter’s. They made a game of getting the picture. Violet is a feisty little charmer. You may already know all this (image is of the Porter piece on the left as installed in the exhibit).

Anne Minich‘s exhibit at the Cathedral will run until Oct. 10

porter, cynthia

minich, anne
