Rob Matthews emailed us about last night’s comix event at the Free Library where practitioners Chris Ware and Charles Burns along with writer Chip Kidd held forth. (See posts here, http://www.fallonandrosof.com/2005/10/comic-comix-and-comicology.html”target=”_blank”>here and http://www.fallonandrosof.com/2005/10/three-takes-on-comicology.html”target=”_blank”>here for more on Burns) The event was a celebration of Burns’ new book Black Hole and there was a book signing afterwards. Said Matthews about the book signing:

Charles amazingly gave away a free pencil sketch from his Black Hole work with each purchase of a book! How crazy and generous is that? Coffee’s on me next time I see him wandering around the neighborhood. Of course that will probably freak him out since we’ve only met once and he doesn’t remember it.
(top image is a Burns sketch Matthews got with his book purchase. Next image is an example of a page from Burns’ Black Hole)
Rob Matthews, a regular artblog contributor, shows his drawings at Gallery Joe. Look for his new drawings in the upcoming “O” show curated by http://www.match-art.com/”target=”_blank”>MatCH-art at the Shore Institute in New Jersey Nov. 30-Jan. 8.
burns, charles