Post by gorillagrrl
[We usually don’t run anonymous posts, but this one seemed to have something important to say, and besides, it’s about a new gallery in town.]
I liked the people there, and they were obviously ready to take my money if I was buying, but I had to wonder if they would have considered showing my art. They might have, but the odds were stacked against me, and not just in the usual way. It’s a huge group show with 22 artists, and there are 2 women in it. If that. (If Naoto and Adrian are women: they are the only non-gender specific names.)
Now, if a woman wants to paint women with big breasts, that’s fine by me, but given that these galleries show a hugely low percentage of women artists, does it not strike one as slightly convenient that they love showing women who deal with sex? It’s a perfect deal for them. They get to continue to be sexist without being called on it by showing porn painted by women. I bet they even think it’s feminist of them to show the work. And I also bet that they think that they just don’t show women because there aren’t that many women artists making good lowbrow art.
But the thing is…There are, and have always been, tons of women artists. Art schools are 80% women. And most gallery scenes are pretty much showing 50% women [eds.: really?]. Which is a bias against the numbers of women who were trained to be artists, but reflects a fair overview of society.
I suggest, girls, that you keep your money in your pockets, and that you talk about this with your friends: there’s no reason this has to happen. There are lots of women artists making every kind of art, and even lowbrow art could be for everybody if these male gallery owners would just get on it. Lets hope Lineage improves.
–guerillagrrl, we think, is a Philadelphia artist