Email from Anne Minich
[this is a response to the previous post]
I also don’t declare value beyond the automatic $100 that UPS allows because I think it is a red flag for any one looking for red flags.
FedEx is better for people looking for certainty, but they only insure for just so much, and then there are the expensive art shippers and all of us who use UPS are avoiding the price.
–From artist Anne Minich whose show at the Cathedral closes Oct. 10
SWARM, the kaleidoscopic visions of artist and filmmaker Terence Nance at the Institute for Contemporary Art
Shop local, shop artists this holiday season, a short list
Memento Mori, A trip through skulls, Sotheby’s, shot glasses and soap
The quintessence of collaboration – Damon Kowarsky and Atif Khan in Hybrid at Twelve Gates Arts