
Did you miss the The Print Center Annual Auction?

Well Libby and I did. The rain storm last Wednesday night squashed our double-header plan of back to back art events — Jenny Holzer‘s talk at ICA and the Print Center auction. We didn’t bring hip boots and knew we’d be soaked by the time we arrived for the second event, and while we wanted to visit the little painting we donated and see all the other great donated work and maybe even bid on something, we couldn’t face the rain. According to an email we got from Artblog pal Astrid Bowlby, a Print Center friend who’d donated an etching to the auction, lots of folks never made it to the event creating a complete bust for the Center’s annual fundraiser.


But good news! Bowlby said the Print Center is regrouping and offering a special post-auction rain check, tonight and tomorrow. As second acts go this should be a good one.

Here’s the info:
We’re having a special two-day rain date event on Friday, November 18 from 5:30-7:30 and Saturday, November 19 from 11:00am -6:30pm. You can see what you missed and purchase items at the minimum bid price. No waiting – It’s first come, first served! You can also view and purchase items on our website. Don’t miss out on some Out of this World bargains for the holidays!

(The auction’s theme, Futurama, carried over to the categories of art available. The sweetest category was “Sputniks,” items priced at $75 each. The image is a Paul Santoleri digital print of a painting from the “Sputnik” class.)
santoleri, paul
