Our New York Correspondent Brent Burket emailed us after having seen the Elizabeth Murray exhibit at MoMA, up to Jan. 9. Among other things he alerted us to the fact that Charlie Finch had written a poison dagger piece at artnet about the retrospective. We read Finch’s dropping and thought boy oh boy what a woman-hater! Of course if you’ve read any Charlie Finch you know he’s capable of snide and snippy. But this went so far into hatred that it felt almost personal. It was misogynistic. He was writing for the history books. Kill, kill, kill. Witness these kiss of death phrases:
…every gross shade of yellow ochre
…room full of 1980s abortions
…bloated abomination
…black hole of no talent
…horrible work
and ask youreslf. Would he write like that about a man’s art? Never.