
A new day is come: Robert Storr and PMA!

Just in case you didn’t notice it at the bottom of today’s Inky, on the B page, Robert Storr will be the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s consulting curator of modern and contemporary art.

Here’s the press release short form (bold face names courtesy of artblog).

Philadelphia, PA (December 9, 2005)–Anne d’Harnoncourt, Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, announced today the appointment of Robert Storr as Consulting Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art. Storr is the Museum’s third appointment in the last year to the department, where he joins Carlos Basualdo, the new Curator of Contemporary Art and Michael Taylor, the Muriel and Philip Berman Curator of Modern Art.

A well-known critic, curator, and artist, Storr is the Rosalie Solow Professor of Modern Art at the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University and is the organizer of the 2007 Venice Biennale. He served as Curator of Painting and Sculpture at The Museum of Modern Art in New York from 1990 until 2000, where he was the coordinator of Projects, a series of exhibitions devoted to contemporary artists. His final exhibition for MoMA is the retrospective devoted to Elizabeth Murray that opened in October to wide acclaim.
