
Guide lines and other coloring book thoughts

We got these two great thoughts about coloring book lines which I had said were problematic because they teach you to toe the line. See previous post.

From Anna Conti

You know, I never thought about coloring book lines as boundaries. They always struck me as guides. Guides point the way and give advice, which the traveler is free to ignore at any point along the way. Sometimes I feel like heading for the hills without a map, but other days I just want a cozy little guided excursion.


From Dayton Castleman

There’s an interesting paradox in your comment on coloring books and their teaching to color inside the lines. Regarding how you ought, or ought not color, I see the medium itself as fairly neutral (although elementary school teachers may be culpable!). The curious thing about lines is that without them, we’d have nothing to color outside of. They may suggest conformity, but they also facilitate rebellion.

