For a look at a few of the works in the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Recent Acquisitions: Prints and Drawings from Dürer to Doig, you can go here to my Flickr site.
I hope they inspire you to visit this wonderful exhibit because it’s way more interesting than Wyeth. It’s got plenty of top-notch contemporary work (my images don’t include some of my favorite locals, like the Rob Matthews and the Astrid Bowlby because I knew Roberta had posted them on her Flickr site (see her post here)
I was inspired to get these up at last by today’s article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about the piss-poor endowment for acquisitions at the PMA and how they overcome it (by leaning on trustees).
But even handicapped, the museum has been acquiring some fabulous stuff, including works by locals, and the 100 or so pieces in the exhibit are only the tip of the iceberg.