
More behind the scenes at Energy Yes!

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Ana Mendieta’s Untitled (Sandwoman Series) 1983-84, shown in the Energy Yes! installation at the PMA. Click picture to see it bigger.

Post by Libby and Roberta

Surprise number 2!!! This Ana Mendieta piece pictured above, Untitled (Sandwoman Series), 1984, came into the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1993! They finally gave the piece its first showing at the museum — a bat mitzvah of sorts — in the Energy Yes! installation.

The Mendieta talks beautifully to the Joseph Beuys Felt Suit across the gallery space, not to mention the Beuys Earth Telephone placed in a vitrine near the suit. Putting Mendieta in the class of artist-as-shaman is putting her where we think she belongs.

We also love the Venus of Willendorf look of Mendieta (which is made out of sand and binder on wood). See previous post for more, and stay tuned for more posts coming.
