May issue of Philadelphia magazine with a Jessica Pressler story about the art scene.
Jessica Pressler’s great story on the Philly art scene is out now in the May issue of Philadelphia magazine. Featured artist, Rob Matthews, wrote about it on his blog, Matthews the Younger (click Matthews The Younger: Jessica Pressler Ryan Donnell = Awesome #2 to get there). He scanned the magazine page with his quote and the photo of him and his art — the photo’s a great noirish mix including a tv with the classic noir film Touch of Evil playing on it and Matthews’ new drawing of Mark Shetabi soon to be featured in the National Academy of Design’s contemporary drawing show in New York.
The magazine’s not available online but they do have a great newsy online expansion feature that includes artblog (top of the (ahem, alphabetical) list), news about some current exhibits and about upcoming stuff like Shelley Spector’s artjaw, an online art/literary mag on her website debuting soon.