
New York again–Adam Wallacavage’s octopi chandeliers

Adam Wallacavage

Wallacavage’s chandelier installed in a nice Louis XIV-esque space. Click to see bigger.

Yes, here’s more New York news, travellers. Space 1026er and beloved Philadelphia photographer of the skateboarding alt-cult crowd, Adam Wallacavage, is lighting up New York with his cast resin octopus chandeliers. The multi-talented Wallacavage has been making these light-ups for a couple years. They’ve been in Philadelphia at Space 1026 and maybe at Spector a while back. See a whole bunch of them at Jonathan Levine’s Gallery now through July 22. And speaking of that date, Wallacavage will launch his new book, Monster Size Monster, (15 years of Wallacavage photos, Ginko Press, Roger Gastman, publisher) with a book signing at the gallery, July 22, 3-6 pm.
Adam Wallacavage

One chandelier, up close. Check the gallery website for more shots.

Wallacavage got a nice write-up in Swindle magazine. And the gallery’s website has some nice people pix from the opening where the chandeliers and folks mixed quite nicely. (click the Wallacavage link on the front page and scroll down) Lots of Philly folks captured in the photos so take a look.

Wallacavage, of course, shows his works at Spector Gallery as well as at Space 1026.

And still more news if you can stand it…Randall Sellers emailed to say he was working on a solo show for this October at Jonathan Levine Gallery. More on that later.
