
Bon bons from Barcelona and the south of France

Artblog pal, painter Marjorie Grigonis who’s a member of Third Street Gallery just got back from a trip to Barcelona and the south of France. She sent me some pictures to share and herewith below, a photo post of Marjorie’s trip. It’s a little bit of sunshine as the clocks turn back to Daylight Savings Time, the darkness encroaches and winter heads our way.


deGaulle ceiling.jpg
Charles DeGaulle airport terminal ceiling
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bubble decor in the changing room, DeGaulle airport
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close-up of bubbles. you would never find this in an airport in the US, would you?
ladies room at Barcelona mall.jpg
Ladies room, bubbles galore.

Pictures from Barcelona and Collioure, Minerve, and Albi.

Marjorie wrote:

We jumped on a lower priced ticket and flew to Barcelona two weeks ago. We saw Gaudi’s cathedral and some other things before taking the train to visit French friends. They picked us up at the first town over the border in France, Cerberes. It’s the end of the line since the tracks in Spain are a different width from the tracks in the rest of Europe. They had booked us into a very lovely B and B in nearby Collioure. This is a beautiful seacoast town, probably not as beautiful in summer when hordes of vacationers arrive. Its beach, church tower, fortress/chateau, and encroaching Pyrenees have been painted by Derain, Matisse, Seurat and many others.

church tower with frame
church tower with frame sculpture

Collioure street
Collioure street

view of Minerve
Minerve, where 120 Cathars chose to be burned at the stake rather than recant.


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La Sagrada Famiglia

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Sagrada Famiglia branching columns

Sagrada Famiglia undergoing reconstruction
hard hat, Sagrada Famiglia
Hard hat at the construction site
man looking like Picasso
Meanwhile, Picasso in Barcelona? [Ed. note: And isn’t that George and Laura Bush in the background?]

Marjorie wrote:

I had seen Sagrada Familia decades ago when only one facade was complete and the shell of the cathedral wasn’t yet there. Seeing it today, busy with workmen and noise was very different, overwhelming in its ambition, but with some of the magic gone.

For a few more of Marjorie’s pictures, see my flickr set.
