
To Dear Fleisher with love from Libby and Roberta

Dear Fleisher,

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Big boats, little boats, lots of boat and water imagery in evidence. But there’s much abstract work as well. The show represents a broad overview of the art community, for sure.

We will both be away Sunday, or we’d have been there for your exhibit and sale of more than 600 postcard-size pieces of art contributed by more than 400 artists who were invited to donate.

This is a big THANK YOU for letting us in as you were installing this bounty.

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How about this great cartoon? Several of the 600+ works are cartoons.

We appreciate your indulgence toward those artists who couldn’t manage to confine themselves to the exact perameters of 4″ x 6″; “Artists have to do what they have to do,” said event Co-Chair Liz Price.

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Here’s a beautiful little etching!

Our disappointment at not being able to attend and shop — flat price $50/piece — grew when we saw what you had on the walls. The variety, the creativity, and the emotion and energy that went into the work there was astounding (we mean it). The exhibit includes work by artists from Jill Bonovitz to Mauro Zamora, from Moe Brooker to Astrid Bowlby to Signe Wilkinson, and from Roberta Fallon to Libby Rosof. For a list of contributing artists, go here.

The art will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis Sunday, Oct. 15, 4 to 7 p.m.–with no work presold. It’s a great chance to buy art at a reasonable price, some of it by pretty big-name artists, some of it terrific work by lesser known artists–and contribute to a worthy cause. Price pointed out that for many of the artists, the contributions were personal. So many in the city have deep feelings for Fleisher, going back to their first art classes there when they were 5!

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This is an encaustic piece. There are works in all media including small sculptures.

At the first Dear Fleisher two years ago, we stood in a long line filled with lots of artists, awaiting our chance to make purchases. This is a show where even a starving artist can afford to buy. It’s also an opportunity for people who have never dared purchased an original piece of art to dip their toes in and buy.

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This artist donated three works for the show, each a gem. By the way, the show’s other co-chair, the statuesque Danielle Kulicke — dressed in art uniform black — was installing the art when we stopped by this afternoon. Co-chair Liz Price was also installing art and Fleisher’s Exhibition Director Warren Angle was busy with hammer and drill, setting up the small shelves that help support the work.

The work is hung in the order in which it was received–a thoroughly democratic approach. And it’s also hung anonymously, so any purchase you make is for the art work, not the name (unless you happen to recognize someone’s style). Only after purchasing a piece will the buyer learn the specific artist’s name.

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This artist made a conceptual piece by carrying the Dear Fleisher postcard in his pocket for months. The wrinkled, dirty little card (there are actually 2 of them) are loveable, and we love the idea of carrying a little bit of Fleisher in your pocket.

A $5 contribution at the door is suggested. Refreshments will be served and a cash bar will be open.

Our advice is, the earlier you get there, the better. If you miss Sunday, the exhibit will stay up until Wednesday, and any unsold pieces will remain for sale. As things sell, scans will replace the originals, so even on Wednesday you can get some sense of what had been there.

The Gala

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Digital photograph by Diane Burko, one of the pieces that will be raffled at the Gala Saturday night. By the way, the wall space for art doubled this year, taking over the two big exhibit spaces. The purchasing table will be in the crypt which should help with crowd flow.

A sneak preview gala Saturday night, Oct. 14, 6 to 8 p.m. at $100/head, will allow a relaxed peek at the next day’s offerings. Once the crowds arrive on Sunday with money (or credit cards or checks) in hand, it can get intense.

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Pastel drawing by David Fertig for the raffle.

In addition, nine of the participating artists – Diane Burko, William Daley, David Fertig, Sidney Goodman, Christine Lafuente, Elizabeth Osborne, Anne Seidman, Stuart Shils, and Ron Tarver – have donated an additional art-postcard to be raffled at the party.

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A colorful raffle piece using some of her trademark tape material, by Anne Seidman.

For tickets and sponsorship information for the preview, please contact Meg Wise at 215.922.3456 ext. 311 or Tickets will also be sold at the door.

Wish we were there,
Libby and Roberta

PS. Dear Readers, hope you can go see the work in this wonderful exhibit–and hope you can make a purchase to help Fleisher. Both Libby and Roberta have taken classes there. And we’ve long enjoyed their programming including the wonderful Challenge exhibits. There are more pictures at this flickr set. And just fyi, some of our favorite pieces are numbers 450, 451, 378, 124, 68, 332, 314 and 338.

Love, Roberta and Libby
