
R. Crumb Alert!

Thanks, Sid Sachs, for the heads’ up on the great article on Robert and Aline Crumb in today’s NY Times. (Read the article quick — and take the nice audio slide show — before it goes to Times Select.)

aline crumb
Comic book page by Aline Crumb

The story is mostly about what it’s like being Mrs. Crumb–wife of the famous cartoonist but also a free spirit (in an open marriage with several liaisons) and also a cartoonist in her own right soon to have a comic memoir and a solo show in New York at Adam Baumgold Gallery, Feb. 15 through March 17.

According to the Times, on Feb. 14, Mr. Crumb is scheduled to interview Ms. Crumb at the New York Public Library. (Tickets, $15–it’s Valentine’s Day and billed as a love event!!!)That sounds like a great one. Mr. Coudurès, Ms. Crumb’s second husband, also plans to be present. That should be interresant too.

Now, the topicality of this article could not be more topical, since our town is hosting a solo show of Robert Crumb’s drawings (and some sculptures) and a sketchbook or two at Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, Mr. Sachs’ emporium of art.

Here’s the low down on that show:

R. Crumb: My True Inner Self
Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, University of the Arts
333 S. Broad Street
January 22 – February 27, 2007
Weekdays from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. and weekends from 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Opening reception, January 26, 5 – 8 p.m.

Pages from an early — 1960s era– sketchbook by R. Crumb that will be on view at Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery.

I stopped in Rosenwald-Wolf last week to see the show and it’s great–here’s a few photos at flickr. Crumb has a Philadelphia connection. He grew up here. And the show at Rosenwald-Wolf — unbelievable as it may seem — is his first solo exhibit in Philadelphia.
