
New York — the Philadelphians

Steve and I were in New York Thursday and Friday and first on my list of things to do was see the solo shows of Philadelphians and Artblog favorites, Zoe Strauss and Mark Shetabi. Both exhibits (Strauss’s at Silverstein Photography and Shetabi’s at Jeff Bailey Gallery) look tremendous!! And I’m happy to report that Shetabi sold four works including his freestanding sculpture with the peephole environment, The Rapture. (Strauss’s show had just opened the day we visited so no sold stickers yet. Maybe we’ll know more after the opening, which Libby attended and will tell you about.) Strauss’s show is up to June 23.

Zoe Strauss
Zoe Strauss, announcement wall, Silverstein Photography, Chelsea

Zoe Strauss
Zoe Strauss, installation, May 17. The works look great!

Mark Shetabi’s show, at Jeff Bailey Gallery is up to May 26. It’s a great painting exhibit with the artist’s signature grisaille works breathing life and mystery into inanimate objects and creating a hushed atmosphere of anticipation.

United States Passpost by Mark Shetabi
United States Passpost by Mark Shetabi

Mark Shetabi
Mark Shetabi’s show, at Jeff Bailey Gallery. The sculpture The Rapture, sold, along with three other paintings!

I’ll have more from New York in another post. There are many good things up at the moment, including new Andreas Gursky photos at Matthew Marks, new Tim Hawkinson pieces at Pace-Wildenstein and some great wood sculpture by Lee Stoetzel at Mixed Greens. More photos from New York at my flickr set.
