
Watch out for all of this

Anthony Campuzano
Anthony Campuzano, “The Fall Back and Forth,” 2004, Colored pencil and graphite on panel, 22″ x 28″

First I got an email from Anthony Campuzano saying he was going to be in an exhibit at Adam Baumgold Gallery in New York this summer, an exhibit called Text Messages. I checked it out and it’s a star-studded summer confection, including the likes of Ed Ruscha, Jennie Holzer and Aline Kominsky Crumb. That one opens June 14.

And then he added that he and Isaac Resnikoff were among the local artists whose recently acquired work would be included in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts’ enormous upcoming July 7-Sept. 23 summer exhibit, This Place is Ours (title taken from a Jim Houser piece that will be in the show). The show will spill out of the big Fisher Brooks Gallery on the first floor of the Hamilton Building, into other first and second floor spaces, and even into some of the historic landmark building.

“We’re fortunate that we’ve been able to do so much buying, especially of contemporary work; especially Alex Baker and I have been able to buy works on paper, said the show’s curator, Robert Cozzolino. He gave me this amazing list of local artists whose previously undisplayed work, since acquired by PAFA over the past few years, will be in the show. Here’s some of the names, besides Campuzano and Resnikoff:

Ben Peterson
Ben Peterson, California Ten, 2006-07, Ink and graphite on paper; 58 x 108 inches, photo by Roberta

Astrid Bowlby
Quentin Morris
TODT (well, a local connection)
Virgil Marti
Tristin Lowe
Ben Peterson
Joy Feasley
Michelle Oosterbaan
Elizabeth Osborne
Huston Ripley
Jane Irish
Ben Kamihira
Rob Matthews

Virgil Marti
Virgil Marti, Landscape Wallpaper with Star Border and Shrooms and Flame Dado, 2001,
Fluorescent ink and rayon flock on Tyvek; exact dimensions variable; originally designed for and installed in PAFA’s Morris Gallery; acquired in 2001 (recent photograph, by Roberta, of installation at Philadelphia University)

These artist’s work included in the show have been on display before, like:

Bruce Pollock
Edna Andrade
Jim Houser
Randall Sellers
Kevin Finklea

The exhibit aims to crow about how the PAFA collection has grown and to give the new selections some context with each other and with previous holdings.

“Things have been sitting around that I can’t wait to show people,” said Cozzolino. Just for the record, he mentioned a bunch of stuff that’s not contemporary–trompe l’oeil work, Alice Neil, Jennifer Bartlett, etc. etc. But that’ll have to do for now. Like I said, the show is huge.
