Dig this!!! We’ve been asked by J.T. Kirkland, author of Thinking About Art, to curate a show of Philly artists. The show, which has an opening reception Sat., Oct. 20, 4-7 p.m., is at H & F Fine Arts in the Washington D.C. suburb of Mt. Rainier, MD.
It’s a star studded cast, including Barbara Bullock, Kip Deeds, Candy Depew, Nick Lenker, Thom Lessner, Jayson Scott Musson, Jen Packer and Zoe Strauss. While all Philadelphia artists are stars in our book and we agonized about each and every one of you (we mean it!!! it was a struggle), we think this is a great combo to represent what’s happening here in fabulous Philadelphia right now.
J.T. is the assistant director at the gallery, and we know him from his art (it rocks) and his blog (it also rocks).
If you don’t know about the amazing blogger F. Lennox Campello (aka Lenny), and his blog Mid Atlantic Art News, check out this nice post that he put up about our show (Thanks!!! Lenny).
Hope to see some of you there, if you can make it!