
Damian Moppett: Look! It’s Libby and Roberta struggling

Look at Libby and Roberta struggle to understand work by Canadian artist Damian Moppett at Temple Gallery, the latest episode from our ongoing series of gallery visits on video. Check it out, and check out the show, which is definitely worth the time to grapple with unfamiliar, but excellent work.

Our video guru David Kessler captured it all and makes the magic happen. Hey, there’s still time to catch his work up at Bambi Gallery until Jan. 20. We didn’t review it because we love him to death and it’s hard to give the show a credible smooch, which it deserves, given all the connections we have, but do go see it. Here’s a link to David’s popular Shadow World videos. And here’s a link to the archive of all the Look! episodes.
