
It’s Thursday, again–keep those kisses coming

It’s not too late to join the Kiss for Mayor Nutter campaign–a picture protest by artists wondering what happened to the campaign promise to create an Office of Art and Culture.

Here are two more artists showing their faces (or parts of their faces) to request some governmental support for the growing art scene in Philadelphia!!

From Nike Desis, who sends a heart with her kiss:
I can’t believe it’s not butter.
oh, wait, it is Nutter!
oh, wait, the arts in Philadelphia do need support!

From Alex Paik:Count me in!
From Alex Paik:Count me in!

To join the Kiss for Mayor Nutter campaign, send in your 281(h) x 375(w) jpeg photo of yourself to and help us demonstrate how many people care about the mayor’s campaign promise to create an Office of Arts and Culture.

Email this project info around to every Philadelphia artist and art lover you know. Let’s show Mayor Nutter the face of Philadelphia’s amazing arts community. No broken promises, Mayor Nutter, please!!

To see the full line-up of posts on this subject, click the “a kiss for mayor nutter” label at the bottom of this post.
