
Weekend reading and see you next week

Steve and I are going to Pittsburgh this weekend to see Stella. We’ll hit the Warhol Museum where there’s a Ron Mueck exhibit, and I’ll report back next week.

Meanwhile, I know Libby’s got a post in the works reporting on the ICA’s Whenever Wednesday event, the discussion between critic Jerry Saltz and gallerist and dealerJeffrey Deitch about the state of the art market and what it means for the future. Many wonderful points were brought up in the discussion. Some of them are touched on by Roberta Smith today in her review of the new Broad Contemporary Art Museum, part of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) in Los Angeles, where all but 30 works on view (of 180) belong to the collectors Eli Broad and his wife Edythe and the lineup feels like the usual suspects (the top 10 of art) thrown together like prizes and not like the real story of art you want from a museum.

Here’s the audio slide show in which Smith touches on many points she made in her article then adds a few more zingers.
