This is Part two. Part one is here.
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Annette: All your stuff is hand-made by yourself?
Alex: Yeah.
Annette: Would you ever change that?
Alex: No. I think, well, some people say that someday I’ll get an assistant to make the work for me. . . but the time spent with the work is important to me.
Annette: Today it could go beyond that, you could get the work made in another country. Artists do that. They outsource.

Alex: I really enjoy the materials and the process of doing something. Even though it takes super-long and it’s super obsessive, it affords me time to think about why I’m making the work. It’s. . . I think a lot when I’m doing these things so it’s almost spiritual. It could be compared to doing something like saying the rosary.
It’s a repetitive process where you can just sit and think and I think it’s important because it can inform the work. Sometimes it changes the work.
I also don’t think that if I sent it away for someone else to make that it would ever satisfy me.
Annette: And I just want to say right here (because I’ve kind of been giving you a hard time) that your work does look beautiful and you’re obviously talented.
Alex: Thank you. I wondered that the other day though, when you finish a work and it’s picture perfect, it’s hard when you make this beautiful object but the only thing people say to you is that it’s beautiful.
Annette: It’s hard to get past that though, and that’s what I think I’m trying to get at right here is that there is something else to your work, but it’s so hard to get to.
Alex: Yeah. I mean. . .
I like to think the things that we look at that are beautiful are actually much more complicated, whether it’s a beautiful person , or. . . just a pretty package, that they’re actually really fucked up inside.
Annette: Yes, but that’s almost a cliche, in a way, if you see a beautiful person they’re going to be fucked up inside.
Alex: But I believe that to be very true, about everybody and thing.
Annette: Yes, and I admit that can be a pretty intense thing. I think of that “Accessory” piece you recently had at Fleisher/Ollman, and what I think was a really interesting component of the piece was that it was so much fun to take pictures of. I don’t know if you thought about that while you were making it?
Alex: I did kind of.
We can talk about that piece because it’s so recent, so fresh in my mind. Originally, I was thinking of calling it “Protect me from what I want” or something like that, and I was thinking about how it’s odd to make an object to put it inside a vi-trine. You automatically put a value on it by telling people they can’t touch it and I was thinking about malls and jewelry display cases. To put mirrors all around it so people can see themselves coveting something they can’t have. . .
It makes a twisted sort of circle. It was fascinating to see all these people taking pictures of this very photogenic snake as you just said.
Annette: Well the pictures turned out great. Especially when you used the flash.
End. Listen to it all at: