Life mimics art in Rebecca Cathcart’s feature in the NY TImes today wherein developer Sonny Asanti‘s proposal for 10-story moving billboards on highrise condos in downtown Los Angeles is described. The new sky-scraping, LED-based billboards quote directly from the 1982 Ridley Scott film Blade Runner. Asanti’s billboards will run a mix of things including advertisements (boo), art by local artists (yea!) and promos for non-profit agencies (yea!).
Photo via NY TImes from Asanti Enterprises. A computer rendering of Mr. Astani’s buildings, complete with the proposed billboards.
Also, check out the nice audio slide show by Fred Kaplan that talks about Scott’s influences in creating the dreamy atmospherics of his movie. This movie can be credited with kick-starting much of the glitter-grunge aesthetic we’re steeped in now.