
Kinetic ecstatic frenetic neighborhood picnic

Roman Blazic took this photograph
Photo by Roman Blazic of an entry in the Kinetic Sculpture Derby

This photo came in from Kensington/Fishtown booster and artist Roman Blazic who wanted you all to know about the glories of the the annual Trenton Ave Art Festival and Kinetic Sculpture Derby Saturday!

Roman wrote:

[The festival] was filled with visitors and artist presenting their work, musical performances and this unique derby.

Positive Space presented “Neighborhood Portrait” for anyone to paint a picture representing his or her view or spontaneous art. These paintings will be exhibited at an unannounced date.

This particular image made me think maybe the perpetrators were double dipping, hoping to give the squid a second life down the shore for a July 4th parade.

We also heard from Candace Karch that Bambi Gallery participated with a kissing booth (for more pictures from the day, go here).

…..i was the madame(appropriately dressed in a hooters shirt) and had no plans on being inside the booth but i had to get the party started and they situated me right next to the philadelphia brewing company!…(i think my one liners like “its tax deductible” and “its not really cheating” helped me out).

I love the Pure Americana of all of this. Who’d have thunk it with the mix of artists and ye olde original Fishingtonians?
